seriously! i'm mad i'm so freaking mad, i almost have to spit out awful words outta my big mouth. yeah, it will turn out pretty ugly. I'M MAD!
i just recieved a call from my drearest, closest friend Izzy. i love you girl. unconditonal friendship. we were discussing everything, and can't really by chance, but we happen to get into the love front? for those who knows izzy well knows how it really goes??
This woman doesn't play the existence of love, not even being comminted in a relationship that she knows won't last. OH GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN. one day she just texted me "vicki i'm so happy that i am single and don't care about boys at all". Hm. i kind of understand her. feels like the words i love you, have become more like a game.
you don't say shall we make love nowdays. is more like let's fu*k. and must i mention that the most of the people are sexfreaks. boys and girls. MAAAD CRAZZY!!!!
One night stands seems to be like the new "black" HMMM??? it's something so beautiful that is getting abused by a bunch of sexfreaks.
what's love? how can this word, "CONCEPTION" be so abused, ruined? Love should be all about
harmony, respect devotion, support, trust and so much more. what's happening?!
Well, i thought so. lately i've been told sick love stories from my friends. About how their partners have been treating them, how they have changed.
m m m. that's why i always teel you. DO NOT HURRY LOVE! and stop hunting. it will only turn out bad. that i promise you.
anyway, i did not know that Love could turn out this way? Hm, i don't know what to think or feel about it. it's just insane. my realtionship feels perfect compare to what i've been told. HMM!
One thing we all should be aware of; love is tough, difficult and so freaking blind as we all know. i was blind for a long time in a relationship and i thank God that i went through it. Now i'm never gon' go blind again.
but how blind can you basically go, how manipultive, and how lost?
and if i ever notice one little, tiny, petite sign of this stupid things i'm leaving my boy.
i must say, you lost yourself in that relationship. hope you manage to get out of it as well.
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