i dislike it- a lot! i think the whole situation is completly out of control. I CRY FOR HELP!
feels like i want to get it all out of my chest, but at moments like this i have to seek God.
oh, once again i have to note that i'm so thankful for that. having him in my life is just awsome. knowing that i can always lean back on him. get support and comfort through him.(L)
i've realized that life is much easier when he's around. The relationship that I've constructed with God is something so beautiful, and undescrible. AUTHENTIC. no one can take this away from me. no one beats this!!!!
therefor i decided to keep this between me and God. isn't that lovely? keeping secrets, thoughts and sorrow with God. because i know i can trust him more than anyone else on this earth. i know it takes time healing. nothing comes easy. love, happyness, career etc.
i belive that every individual experiances adversties in their lifetime. one day, everything seems to be perfect and then the other everything just feels unsuccesfull. a COMPLETE DISASTER!!!
Well i can't really say that my life is a disatser and i don't believe it can turn out perfect. not that i wish for it but u kno the thing. all i can say that i just have a lot of reflections running around my head. about the future, family, friends, boyfriend and so on. i've been very sceptical about everything latley. how will stuff turn out in five years?! But God says. don't worry, don't stress nor panic. He has a plan for me so all i should do right now is just lay back and chiilllllll!
Well i can't really say that my life is a disatser and i don't believe it can turn out perfect. not that i wish for it but u kno the thing. all i can say that i just have a lot of reflections running around my head. about the future, family, friends, boyfriend and so on. i've been very sceptical about everything latley. how will stuff turn out in five years?! But God says. don't worry, don't stress nor panic. He has a plan for me so all i should do right now is just lay back and chiilllllll!
this statement is striking. knowing this makes me more confident, stronger and willing to fight on. as i usually say. i fight even if i know i'm about to loose.
this statement is striking. knowing this makes me more confident, stronger and willing to fight on. as i usually say. i fight even if i know i'm about to loose.
despite all this, i must say that i love my life!
5 kommentarer:
the lord is good! (L)
detta var verkligen fint skrivet :)
Hej gumman.. Det är bra hur är det själv? såklart jag ska, denna var fint skrivet :) puss
Hej! Tack för din kommentar och tack för att du gillar min blogg hehe! Religion är väldigt intressant faktiskt.. ^^ Det är skönt med någon som verkligen frågar istället för att kasta granater haha! Jo jag kan förstå att det med täcka ansiktet känns lite för mycket och obehagligt att stöta på kanske! Jag täcker själv inte ansiktet.. Men det är typ olika för alla ^^,.. Tex, är det mest konvertiter från sverige som täcker ansiktet oså här i Sverige.. Så då kan man nästan säga att de är svenskarna som bryter sig ur systemet hehe! !
Det beror på hur mycket man i islam vil göra för Gud..
Måste gå!!
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